Ufpa Federal University Of Par Academiaedu

Result for: Ufpa Federal University Of Par Academiaedu

UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Programa de Pos-Graduao em Sociologia e Antropologia 13 people | 60 documents. Programa de Ps Graduao em Cincias Sociais 1 person | 73 documents. Programa de Ps Graduao em Engenharia Civil - PPGEC/UFPA 17 people | 5 documents. Programa de Ps Graduao em Engenharia Eltrica (PPGEE/UFPA) 6 people | 13 documents.

Rodolpho Zahluth Bastos | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Rodolpho Zahluth Bastos, UFPA - Federal University of Par, NUMA - Ncleo de Meio Ambiente Department, Faculty Member. Studies Law and Development, Sociologia Jurdica, and Direito e Desenvolvimento.

Federal University of Par - Wikipedia

Federal University of Par | World University Rankings | THE

UFPA is considered the greatest university in the North region of Brazil and is a reference in the areas of biomedical sciences and biology research, the latter due to the citys location as a gateway to the Amazon river and house to the Amazon rainforest.

Harley Silva | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Harley Silva | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu. UFPA - Federal University of Par, Faculdade de Economia, Faculty Member. Follow. Other Affiliations: UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Cincias Econmicas, Graduate Student. Research Interests:

Academia.edu - Share research

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research. Skip to main content . Sign Up Login. Login. Download 55 million PDFs for free. Sign Up. Registered Users. 258m+ Uploaded Papers. 55m+ Daily Recommendations. 20m. Explore our top research interests Browse All Topics. History. 10 M ...

Achmad Sunjayadi - Academia.edu

Achmad Sunjayadi Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia [email protected] We could talk endlessly about Jakarta. There are many sources about Jakarta and many books were written on the subject, like this book. It is a translation and revision of Jakarta; A history (1989) published in 1987 by Oxford University Press.

UFPA - Federal University of Par | UFPA - Academia.edu

The UFPA Department at UFPA - Federal University of Par on Academia.edu


Jakarta Bela Negara Pertahanan Negara POLUSI UDARA. Fokus utama pembahasan pada tulisan ini adalah polusi udara yang sedang melanda DKI Jakarta. Namun dalam menganalisis kasus tersebut, penulis menggunakan perspektif dari konsep pertahanan negara dan bela negara. Mengenai metode penelitian yang.

JPPPF Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika UNJ

Home. Publikasi. JPPPF. Jurnal yang diterbitkan dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika UNJ adalah JPPPF Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika. JPPPF didedikasikan untuk semua praktisi pendidikan fisika.

Edna Alencar | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

UFPA - Federal University of Par, Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias Humanas, Faculty Member. Follow. Research Interests: Social Sciences, Antropologa, Development Studies, Latin American Studies, Environmental Studies, Gender and Development, and 6 more. Papers.

Renata Godoy | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Renata Godoy, UFPA - Federal University of Par, IFCH - Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias Humanas Department, Faculty Member.

Celma Chaves | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Celma Chaves. UFPA - Federal University of Par, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Faculty Member. Follow. Research Interests: Architectural Teory and History, Modern Architecture, Urban History, Vernacular Architecture, Architecture Typology, Architectural History, and 11 more. Papers.

Otavio Do Canto | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Otavio Do Canto, UFPA - Federal University of Par, NUMA - Ncleo de Meio Ambiente Department, Faculty Member. Studies reas Naturales Protegidas, Unidades de Conservao, and Geopoltica. Gegrafo

FAGEO Faculdade de Geografia | UFPA - Federal University - Academia.edu

FAGEO Faculdade de Geografia, UFPA - Federal University of Par, Geografia Department, Faculty Member. Studies Geografia.

Fernanda Salame | UFPA - Federal University of Par - Academia.edu

Fernanda de Souza Salame Endereo para acessar este CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1030267860726671 ID Lattes: 1030267860726671 ltima atualizao do currculo em 17/09/2021 Discente do curso de Bacharelado em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Par, atualmente cursando o 7 semestre.

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