Gold Ikariam Fandom

Result for: Gold Ikariam Fandom

Gold | Ikariam | Fandom

Gold is fundamental for your town finances. It is used to maintain your towns, purchase assets, and trade resources with other players. Your gold fortune is not linked to one town, but rather stands globally for the wealth of your island empire. A table of incomes and ongoing costs for all your...

Achievements | Ikariam | Fandom

Oct 5, 2023 There are seven groupings containing a total 108 107 different achievements, each with 6 different levels. There are six levels to each specific achievement. When unlocking an achievement, you will get a pop-up informing you when you have unlocked the specific achievement.

Trading | Ikariam | Fandom

Trading does not allow direct transfer of gold from one player to another. The trading post is the primary place to sell/buy resources from neighbors within range. In the trading post, use the "Bargain Hunter" section to...

Scores | Ikariam | Fandom

Gold stock (Gold supply) This score indicates how much gold a player has in their account. each unit: 1 point; Offensive points You will get points for every unit destroyed by your own attackers. This score is determined entirely by the amount of resources spent on each military unit or ship that is killed by your attacking army. These ...

Resources | Ikariam | Fandom

Gold : Produced by citizens and by selling resources at the Trading post, gold is used to maintain your town finances and facilitate trade between players. Your gold stands for all your cities. Research points : Produced by scientists at the Academy, they are collected to complete new researches.

Ikariam from A to Z: A guide for all levels | Ikariam | Fandom

Gold Keep an eye on your gold production. Creating too many army units may exhaust your gold. Make sure your net gold income is positive, preferably over 5,000 per hour. When attacked, if your army is destroyed and you're out of gold, the best strategy is to stop producing goods and to wait until you have collected some cash.

Town hall | Ikariam | Fandom

The Town hall allows you to see the net gold, the garrison limit and the housing capacity of your town, how much space is occupied, how happy or unhappy your citizens are, the population growth, the distribution of your citizens, as workers, scientists, priests, and the corruption percentage, if any.

Black Market | Ikariam | Fandom

The Black Market is a building that allows you to buy and sell military units for gold or other resources. The building has 25 levels and allows the sale of land and sea units for any resources. A requirement for the building is the new "Soldier Exchange" research and a building ground.

Getting rich - Tutorials and Guides - Ikariam

Nov 11, 2022 The gold can be gained from: free citizens. trading post by selling resources.

Ikariam Finances and Gold Guide | GuideScroll

Sep 5, 2011 Ikariam Finances and Gold Guide by Liarya. Each citizen gives 3 per hour. This means that you will need more citizens if you want to earn more (You get more citizens through more satisfaction. You can get more satisfaction through a tavern or a museum) Each scientist costs 9 per hour. Some researches like letter chute reduce the cost of scientists.

Beginner's Guide | Ikariam | Fandom

Welcome to Ikariam! This game can be a bit addictive as events happen in real time, and there's nothing to download. Ikariam allows you to: make alliances, build cities, expand your territory, and make great armies. With enough time and resources, your city will become the heart of an empire.

The Beginner's Guide | Ikariam Wiki | Fandom

Ikariam is a web-based browser game by Gameforge. It allows you to create alliances, expand your empire, conscript large armies - all in real time. With hints of other nation-creation games, such as Age of Empires and Civilization, the purpose of Ikariam is to create a vast empire with a mighty...

Ikariam | Gameforge Wiki | Fandom

Ikariam is a free online real-time strategy game released in 2008 by Gameforge AG. The concept behind Ikariam is much like Sid Meier's well-known Civilization games. Each player is given a small town and constructs buildings such as Barracks, Ports, and Taverns to create a larger town, and...

Tutorials and Guides - Ikariam

Apr 5, 2019 Most efficient building list: Architect and Workshop 21 Replies, 14,747 Views, A year ago

Tricks to prevent others from looting you - Ikariam - GameFAQs

Before u want to prevent others from looting u, u need to understand how the looting in this game works: 1)The amount of gold people loot from u depents on ur town hall, higher level of town hall, higher % of ur max gold will be looted. 2)The amount of resources people loot from u depents on ur trading port:-when u have no port, the max number ...

Ikariam Wiki | Fandom

Welcome to the Ikariam Wiki. An unofficial wiki currently in development to provide information for the online game Ikariam by Gameforge. New and revised, with updated content. For now, check out The Beginner's Guide . Categories. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Merchant Ships | Ikariam Wiki | Fandom

Merchant Ships | Ikariam Wiki | Fandom. in: Ships. Merchant Ships. In-Game Description. Merchant ships are the most important support for your island empire. No matter whether they have to transport goods, units or news: your seamen will make sure, that everything arrives at its destination quickly and safely. Categories.

Gods of Olympus - News and Announcements - Ikariam

Nov 8, 2023 Apr 8th 1981 (43) Gender. Male. Nov 8th 2023. +23. #1. Dear players, prepare for the wrath (and the love^^) of the gods! Divine intervention is making its way to Ikariam. The "Gods of Olympus" update will soon be brought to the live servers, bringing a host of new things to do for players and bonuses to factor in your strategy.

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