Attack Point Ikariam Fandom

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Attack Points | Ikariam | Fandom

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Treaties | Ikariam | Fandom

Oct 5, 2023 There are many types of treaties. There are treaties that can be made between individual players, e.g. cultural, trade and military treaties, as well as treaties that can be made between alliances, e.g. alliance military and peace treaties. To create or accept most diplomatic treaties, you need...

Ikariam | Fandom

Feb 17, 2008 WikIkariam, the Ikariam wiki, is a community site that anyone can contribute to, discover, share and add your knowledge, about "Ikariam" a browser based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by Gameforge AG, set in the era of classical Greece in an archipelago, with players being made ruler of a small ...

Ikariam from A to Z: A guide for all levels | Ikariam | Fandom

Oct 5, 2023 Ikariam from A to Z: A guide for all levels. This guide provides tips, that will help you to progress rapidly in the game. It takes into account all attacks, defense mechanisms and the new features introduced in the latest patches .

Expert's Guide | Ikariam | Fandom

Expert's Guide. Contents. 1 Introduction. 2 Where to go next. 3 Approaches. 3.1 War. 3.2 Trade. 3.3 Piracy. Introduction. So you've been playing Ikariam for some time now. You've progressed nicely up until this point, but maybe finding the long build times boring and the increased costs prohibitive?

Scores | Ikariam | Fandom

You will get points for every unit destroyed by your own attackers. This score is determined entirely by the amount of resources spent on each military unit or ship that is killed by your attacking army. These points are then rounded towards higher number. Every day, you will lose 5% of you current Offensive points. each: 0.05 points; each: 0. ...

Achievements | Ikariam | Fandom

Achievements are requires one or more criteria to be fulfilled, e.g. Own a certain number of towns, in order to unlock them. There are seven groupings containing a total 108 107 different achievements, each with 6 different levels.

Forum:Hit points and damage? | Ikariam | Fandom

Hitpoints. Is how much " Life " points a unit has before it will die. When a units hitpoints reaches zero, it will die. Damage. Is how much " damage ", reduction of Hitpoints, an attacking unit will cause to a defending unit. If the attackers damage is more than the defenders Hitpoints, then the defender will die.

Armor | Ikariam | Fandom

Armor is directly deducted from the damage. This means that when a unit with 3 armour is hit by an attack of 5 damage, it only loses 2 health points (Attack damage of 5 minus the armor of 3 equals 2 lost health) Note: Armor is deducted from EACH source of damage, meaning that if more than one...

Pirate Fortress | Ikariam | Fandom

The capture points can be converted, adding strength to your crew. The conversion can be accomplished by clicking on the "Force crew" in view of the Pirate Fortress. The ten (10) capture points converted, one (1) point of strength is added to your crew. Each conversion will take a long time to complete.

Alliance | Ikariam | Fandom

An alliance is a formal linkage founded by one player and able to be joined by other players. An alliance can be very helpful: you can easily find treaty/trade partners using the circular message system. An alliance can also protect you - in most alliance external pages you will find "we watch each others backs" or "we fight back when attacked". An alliance will provide you protection from ...

Beginner's Guide | Ikariam | Fandom

The Barracks allows you to create Units for both defending your towns and attacking others. The Town Wall offers a basic protection to your town from being attacked. It has its own statistics like the other Units.

Kater's Barbarian Battle Guide - Tutorials and Guides - Ikariam

Mar 16, 2022 Therefore, the solution is to have a barbarian floater. That is a colony, which is not going to be develloped and which is settled on a neighbooring island of one of your real towns. From the real town you can attack the barbarians on the neighbooring island, the colony is not being needed further for the low levels.

Occupation | Ikariam | Fandom

Players are able to occupy other players' towns and ports, while there is no time limit to how long a town may be occupied. A player can only occupy as many cities as his Palace level. To cancel the occupation of a town, you will first need to return your army from the occupied town or move it...

Game rules | Ikariam | Fandom

An attack that results in the creation of a combat report is counted as one attack towards the town, provided the attacker does not lose all of their units. A blockade created on a town with no ships on defense is not considered as an attack, as it does not create a battle report, and the ships basically just arrive to blockade a town .

War tips? - Archive: Community - Ikariam

Jul 29th 2020. +1. #4. Waving is also related to fighting style ( gap only related on not), to battle field dimensions, to the possibilite presence and level of walls, to number of action points and to interaction with allies and enemies, to be in attack or defense.

The Beginner's Guide | Ikariam Wiki | Fandom

Ikariam is a web-based browser game by Gameforge. It allows you to create alliances, expand your empire, conscript large armies - all in real time.

Tricks to prevent others from looting you - Ikariam - GameFAQs

Before u want to prevent others from looting u, u need to understand how the looting in this game works: 1)The amount of gold people loot from u depents on ur town hall, higher level of town hall, higher % of ur max gold will be looted. 2)The amount of resources people loot from u depents on ur trading port:-when u have no port, the max number ...

Ikariam Beginner to Advanced Guide | GuideScroll

Sep 5, 2011 Attacking each other over land is easy, so you need to get on well with island mates. Location. Close to your other towns will make it easy to ship goods, and defend each other. Being further away will open up more opportunities for trade, and attacking other players.

Capture points, multi-accounts and military action. - Ikariam

May 10, 2020 The general etiquette in ikariam is only one, do not breaking any Game Rules. You raid player A multi-accounts that player A use them to feed player B. Player A attack you because of you raid his multi. This is OK and feel free to keep on raiding player A multi and attack him back anytime you want.

Attract Vermin - what does it do? - Archive: Community - Ikariam

Apr 29th. Gender. Male. Oct 28th 2021. #2. a decoration on the city nothing els than that. you can even do it on yourslef and its a troll to others. they can always use exterminaor to dispose of it.

Gyrocopter | Ikariam Wiki | Fandom

Gyrocopter. In-Game Description. A novel flying machine that is fast, versatile and not dependant on the direction of the wind - we can hunt cowardly enemies that want to attack us from the skies with it! Categories. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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